Game on…! at Ferns Lodge. Our NGS pack arrives.


2 weeks ago, Ghillie and I picked up our NGS pack from the amazing Elizabeth, who is in charge of us, and saw her immaculate garden at Willows… Oh dear! Another reminder that there is SO MUCH TO DO.




In the package are all sorts of signs to the garden, yellow books, tickets to give all those lovely people who come and visit and reminders of all the things that I have as yet, left undone.


The garden is coming together but it certainly isn’t trimmed and smart like Elizabeth’s – I think that we must have extra special, extra strong weeds! We are also struggling in the big garden with rabbits, foxes and something with very big paws that likes to dig up ferns and harts tongue. The new camellias are proving a tasty treat for the deer and maybe I think, I spied a hare?


What is very exciting is that the bees are buzzing and there are definitely lots of them! Although they are very friendly, bee lane is to be avoided in the middle of the day when it is definitely spaghetti junction for bees.

In amongst the big paws, honey makers and yellow signage, is more china. We are now up to 92 sets as well as lots of lovely things to grow herbs in. I have packed and repacked – the top garage is shown here very full of china.

My china gang have been amazing and I would like to thank the latest member of the crew – Isabel for the last 3 cups.

New napkins have now arrived with Ferns Lodge emblazoned on them, which is jolly exciting, but the arrival of the yellow, official NGS kit is a bit sobering.


My lovely neighbour Cameron, with the field next door, has fixed the entrance so that people can park cars for the opening, which is very kind. Another tick for the list. The cars of the visitors who come to see us will share the field with his handsome polo ponies.


Also very exciting was contact from Jan at the Hordle Gardening Club who are going to come and see the garden just before we open in June. This is fantastic for me and I am looking forward to meeting 22 gardeners from the village, which will be fab. Note to self, that we need to make sure that there is plenty of cake!

As we hurtle towards Easter, the sweet peas are coming on at Simon’s house, together with extra wild flowers for the wild flower meadow. We wanted to try to give this space some extra encouragement as it’s a lot to ask one set of seed to deliver wild flowers 8 months after planting. We will see how this works out.

It is always great fun to put out the garden furniture after its winter slumber in the barn. All now present and correct and boracol’ed too. This stuff is magic and has kept the tree house floor and steps immaculate over the wintertime.


So now lots to do, with all those yellow signs as a reminder that it really is – game on…
