2024 and the Promise of the New Season for NGS Garden Ferns Lodge


Another overlong gap between blogs, which is lazy of me, but at NGS Garden Ferns Lodge, it’s all been happening to the accompaniment of the squelch of wellies in the mud, Ghillie’s muddy paws, and much reading to discover what the opposite of a rain dance is!


However, we now have our lovely yellow posters announcing our NGS opening on the 1st and 2nd of June 2024 – and there is masses to do, including more blogs!


The Ferns Lodge website has been updated for 2024, and most excitingly, our lovely map redrawn by clever Nick from Tinstar Design, although sadly we still have quite a bit to do to make it a reality… See if we make it when you visit us in June.


The start of the season has brought color and flowers far, far earlier than is decent. But it has been lovely. Sadly, it has also, as you will know, rained non-stop. This hasn’t stopped us from mulching in a VERY big way, and this is nearly complete, or the build of a lovely new platform for our bees. The mild weather has had them wake up in January (how mad is that!) so they may have to go on holiday more than 3 miles away from us before they come back to their new home, as you move bees when awake either 3 feet or 3 miles.



The frightening metalwork in the meadow area, which will become a charming meadow, has been hauled out of the ground, all ready for one of Mr. Farwell’s reassuringly expensive skips, and we pray for drier weather to allow us to get machinery into the area and clear the ground. Of course, the very mild weather means that the ivy and briars are thriving and growing vigorously! No matter, we will get the better of them.


The greenhouse is a joy and everything is growing wonderfully. Excitingly, the broad beans are planted, we are preparing the ground for tomatoes and cucumbers, and Simon, our lovely colleague, has built a strawberry bed in the air inside the vegetable cage. Lettuces are ready for planting, and all sorts of other delicious edibles are on the list.


Lawn mowers are serviced and shiny and ready for the off, hedges are winter trimmed, garden furniture painted, and just as soon as the rain stops, thunderbirds are a go for the rest of the clearance and the lovely start to the season. We have crocuses, wild daffodils, and snowdrops; everything is budding, and the bird song is deafening. Roll on Spring 2024.

Contact sue.grant@fernslodge.co.uk.

